Dear learners, you might be searching for the formula for profit and loss, discount, and vat. The important formula is given below
1. Profit = SP-CP
2. Loss = CP-SP
3. Profit Percent = (Actual profit ÷ CP) × 100%
4. Loss Percent = (Actual Loss ÷ CP) × 100%
5. SP = CP+ P% of CP
6. SP = CP- L% of CP
7. CP= (SP×100) ÷(100 +P %)
8. CP= (SP×100) ÷(100 -L %)
The Formula for Discount and VAT are Given Below
1. SP after discount = MP- Discount
2. Discount amount = MP- SP Or, Discount Percent of MP
3. Discount Percent = (Discount ÷ MP) × 100%
4. VAT amount = VAT% of SP Or, SP with VAT- SP without VAT
5. SP with VAT = SP+ VAT.
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