Level Secondary ( तृतीय ), FM.60, Subject: Science, Time 2 hours 15 mins, Subjective Questions ( Group B). Attempt all the questions.
1.What are the affecting factors in learning English as a target language at secondary level? With which Language learning theory are they related? Explain your answer. 5×2
2.Nepali learners of English feel difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds of English language like / f/and /v/. What might be the reasons behind this? How do you help the learners to overcome these difficulties ? 4+6
3. Mention communicative language functions of the following expressions. Then design a classroom activity with examples to teach one of the language functions at secondary level. 0.5×10=5
4. Many English Language teachers feel teaching writing a difficult task. What reasons can you see behind it? What suggestions do you want to give these teachers for overcoming their feeling? 5+5
5. Complete the following sentences with the words in brackets: 1×10
6. Is using English as a medium-of instruction In an English language classroom quite impractical in some parts of our country Nepal? Give your opinions with reference to any of the places in the country. How will you resolve this unpleasant situation? Explain. 4+6
Teachers Service Commission (माध्यमिक तहको शिक्षक छनौट खुल्ला प्रतियोगतात्मक लिखित परीक्षा २०७५ )
Level Secondary ( तृतीय ), FM.60, Subject: Science, Time 2 hours 15 mins, Subjective Questions ( Group B). Attempt all the questions.
1.What is heat engine? Derive an expression of Carnot’s reversible engine with the help of P-V diagram and describe why 100% efficiency is not possible from the real engine? 2+5+3
Dear teachers! You might be preparing for the examination of Teachers Service Commission and looking for old question collection. If so, here you will get all the old questions paper of TSC exam. You can get old questions of secondary level science given below. The exam was held on 2074 B.S
Level Secondary ( तृतीय ), FM.60, Subject: Science, Time 2 hours 15 mins, Subjective Questions ( Group B). Attempt all the questions.
1. State each of the following physical qualities; It is a vector or scalar; volume, mass, speed, acceleration, density, number of moles, velocity, angular frequency, displacement, angular velocity. [1×10]
2.Distinguish between transverse wave and longitudinal wave. Derive the Newton’s formula for velocity of sound. [3+7]
Do you need old questions of teachers service commission? Here are all the questions papers subjective and objective questions of primary, lower secondary and and secondary level.