TSC English Questions Paper-2075
Government of Nepal Teachers Service Commission has been conducting various exams throughout the country by open competition. Here are the English questions paper for lower secondary level in which the exam was held in 2075 (for open competition). The full marks for the subjective questions was 60 and time was given 2 hours and 15 mins. The questions papers are given below.
1. Define syntax. Describe two activities to teach complex sentences at lower secondary level. [4+6]
2.Do as indicated in brackets: [2+1×8]
3.Describe at least five activities that can be used to develop reading skills of lower secondary level students. [5×2]
4.Narrate an exciting event which you have recently experienced in about 500 words. [10]
5. “Could you open the window please” What language function does this sentence serve? Design at least three activities to teach the above function for grade eight students. [1+3×3]
6.How can ICT (Information Communication Technology) help in teaching and learning?Write any three ways of using ICT in English language teaching at lower secondary level. [4+6]
Do you need objective questions of Lower Secondary level? If so go to the link given below.