TSC Science Questions Paper-2075 Sec level
Dear teachers! Are you preparing for the examination of Teachers Service Commission and looking for old question collection. If so, here you will get all the old questions paper of TSC exam. You can get old questions of secondary level science given below. The exam was held on 2075 B.S.
Level Secondary ( तृतीय ), FM.60, Subject: Science, Time 2 hours 15 mins, Subjective Questions ( Group B).
1.What is heat engine? Derive an expression of Carnot’s reversible engine with the help of P-V diagram and describe why 100% efficiency is not possible from the real engine? 2+5+3
2. What is DC generator? Explain the working principle of DC generator with well labelled diagram. 2+5+3
3.What are natural disaster? Explain the cause, effect and safety measure of earthquake. 1+3×3
4.(a) What types of educational materials and activities do you prepare while teaching periodic table? Describe. 2+3
4.(b) What is mean by OPC cement? Explain the preparation and uses of cement. 1+3+1
5.(a) What is hydrocarbon? Write the laboratory preparation of acetylene with well labelled diagram. 1+2×2
5.(b) What is biogeochemical cycle? Explain diagrammatic representation of nitrogen cycle. 2+3
6.What is sericulture? Describe the life cycle of Bombyx mori with well labelled diagram and list down its economic structure.2+6+2
Do you need further more questions paper of other years? Here is a questions paper of science for the secondary level of 2074. the exam was of internal competition. You can watch the questions paper from here