Need Secondary Level English Curriculum? Government of Nepal Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has recently changed the curriculum for the recruitment of teachers by open competition at various level. Here you will get Secondary Level English Curriculum. The Examination will be in two schemes; General and Subjective. The Full marks of general examinations is of 100 and pass marks is 50. The questions type is multiple choice/objective.To see the general scheme curriculum go to the given link below.
General Curriculum of Sec. level
The full marks TSC Secondary level English Curriculum is 100. Time is 3 hours and question type will be subjective. This scheme is divided into two groups A and B.
Section: A
Unit 1: Teaching and Testing Oral Skills and Language Functions
Teaching listening skills Teaching speaking skills Teaching language functions Testing oral skills Testing language functions
Unit 2: Teaching and Testing Written English
Teaching reading skills 2.2. Teaching writing skills Preparing instruments for testing reading and writing skills Scoring answers in reading and writing tests Teaching and testing literary texts
Unit 3: Teaching and Testing Aspects of English Language
Teaching grammar
Teaching vocabulary
Teaching pronunciation
Teaching punctuation
Testing grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, punctuation and sounds
Unit 4: Planning and Designing Teaching Materials
Lesson planning, managing time and activities Designing and constructing visual materials Use of audio-visual materials Preparing operational calendar and subject specific annual plan Use of ICT tools in language teaching
Unit 5: Overview of English Language Curriculum of Secondary Level
English curriculum, Textbooks and Teachers guide of grade 9 -12 Use of supplementary materials (dictionary, grammar books, newspapers, charts etc.) English language testing system and specification grid Correction of Error and Error analysis
Section: B
Unit 6: Theoretical Concepts of Language Learning and Teaching
Theories of language learning Approaches, methods of language teaching Language teaching techniques and activities Relationship between linguistics and language teaching Application of different approaches, methods and techniques in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom
Unit 7: Literature for Language Development
Introduction and history of English literature Genres of English literature 7.3. Figures of speech Reasons for teaching literature Techniques and strategies for teaching literature
Unit 8: Professional Development of English Language Teachers
Types and models of professional development Strategies of professional development 8.3. Maintaining professional ethics Building networking, collaboration and cooperation in professional learning Values of teaching profession
Unit 9: Reading and Writing in Language Education
Reading and extracting appropriate information Reading for academic purpose Mechanics of writing Developing skills in writing: Selecting key points, note-making, paraphrasing, summarizing, planning, editing and drafting and revising Choice of academic vocabulary in writing
Unit 10: Research in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Context
Introduction to research in language pedagogy Application of research in language teaching-learning Design and types of research in language teaching Drawing conclusions, implications and giving recommendations from research Academic writing in research
Specification Grid
This curriculum is divided into sections A & Section B. Generally from section A, questions will be asked related to pedagogy. From section B questions will be asked covering cognitive level. Separate answer sheets will be used for each section. This curriculum will be effective from 2076/11 / 20.
Source: Teachers Service Commission