TSC Sec. Level Science questions Paper
Dear teachers! You might be preparing for the examination of Teachers Service Commission and looking for old question collection. If so, here you will get all the old questions paper of TSC exam. You can get old questions of secondary level science given below. The exam was held on 2074 B.S.
Level Secondary ( तृतीय ), FM.60, Subject: Science, Time 2 hours 15 mins, Subjective Questions ( Group B).
1. State each of the following physical qualities; It is a vector or scalar; volume, mass, speed, acceleration, density, number of moles, velocity, angular frequency, displacement, angular velocity. [1×10]
2.Distinguish between transverse wave and longitudinal wave. Derive the Newton’s formula for velocity of sound. [3+7]
3.Define fossils. Describe the process of fossils formation and importance of fossils. [2+2×4]
4.a. Suppose you are teaching a Bohr’s atomic model in secondary level. What types of materials and models do you use to give proper concept ? List down the postulates of Bohr’s theory of atomic model. [2+3]
4.b.Explain the process of preparation of cement clinker in the cement industry with their corresponding chemical reaction.[5]
5.a.What are primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol ? Give example of each.[5]
5.b.Describe Nitrogen cycle with suitable example.[5]
6. How does life cycle of mosquito help explaining a type of complete life cycle ? Explain in detail with the labelled diagram.[7+3]
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